Physics students experience cutting edge science at CERN

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14 Oct 2024

The Physics department took 44 students to CERN last weekend for an unforgettable trip.

After flying to Geneva and settling into the hostel for the night, the students enjoyed the Science Gateway museum at CERN the following morning.  Exhibits ranged from prototypes of equipment, to a model of gravitational waves, and an immersive experience where the students were able to experience the quantum effects of an electron. In the afternoon they were treated to a guided tour of the CERN Control Centre, and the ALICE detector building.

That evening they had a fondue and alpine sausage dinner in the heart of Geneva. On the final morning, students enjoyed a visit to the History of Science museum to explore Switzerland’s rich scientific history before spending some free time around Geneva. After a long day they arrived back to school ready to take on another week!

A big thanks to the staff for organizing such an amazing trip! It was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

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