St Olaves 015

Pastoral Provision

We want our students to be happy and successful at school and leave St. Olave’s as caring, self-disciplined, independent young adults with an appreciation of moral and social responsibility and the skills necessary to play a full and positive role in society.

Ofsted 2019 “It is best summed up by pupils and students: without fail, they feel very well supported and listened to.”

Our extensive Relationships, Sex and Health Education programme fulfils an important function in giving students an understanding of their moral role in the School and in the wider world, while our Home-School Agreement sets out the respective responsibilities of the School, parents and pupils.

Our RSHE content for all Key Stages can be found HERE The Form Tutors work as a team with the Head of Year, setting the tone for behaviour and standards, and together they monitor closely each student’s academic progress. The Head of Year will support the Tutors in implementing the highest level of care and will become involved at those times when a student requires additional guidance. For students going through emotional difficulties, we also have our on-site counsellor Mrs Naomi Anderson. As well as this, School has links with Bromley MHST (Mental Health Support Teams) service who deliver support to students and parents both in and outside of school. The Chaplain, Reverend Dr Julie Bowen, is there to offer support to all students and their families, regardless of religious background. Lower school forms are also supported by senior school Form Prefects who are responsible for nurturing and advising their younger peers; they are also excellent role models and give our younger boys uncompromisingly high aspirational standards to live up to in terms of personal, moral and social conduct. 

We believe it is important to praise and acknowledge effort and attainment. In the Lower School we operate a system of merits, which counts towards the annual whole school house competition. Commendations and the awarding of colours at each Key Stage also provide valuable incentives for students to achieve at the highest level. Students should play their part in the community through form and house activities, year councils, voluntary service, charity campaigns and leading assemblies on topical themes. We believe all students have a part to play in our School and should take responsibility for their own development whilst being aware of the needs of others.

Please see the following links for further information regarding our pastoral provision for:

Years 7 - 11 Year 12 Year 13

Mrs R. Maxwell
Deputy Headteacher Pastoral    

Mr M. Birtchnell
Assistant Headteacher, Director of Sixth Form