Cricket Nets Development


Thank you for all your support in raising money for the cricket nets. Together, parents, pupils, and Old Olavians have raised around £73k!

We are now only £7k from our target of £80k so we ask for one last push! We are hoping to begin the project this summer;  any further donations for this project, would be very gratefully received.

Any donations over £250 will be commemorated on an honours board that will be displayed on the cricket nets facility and will be a wonderful opportunity for your son to leave his legacy at the school.

Planning Permission has now been granted to proceed with our plans to redevelopCricket Nets Total   13 March and improve provision for cricket practice by provide four purpose-built practice lanes with synthetic surface, for our cricketers together with meshed netting surrounds, which will be located on the top field.

This fantastic new resource will not only enhance our current sporting facilities for students, but will serve as a hub for cricketing excellence.

Cricket is an immensely popular sport at St. Olave's and now that planning permission has been secured, we hope the Olavian community will support our fundraising efforts towards the £70-75K required to achieve what will be an inspiring new development for our students for the cricketing season 2025.

If you would like to donate specifically towards the St. Olave's Cricket Net Development Project, you are warmly invited to do so HERE or by using the QR Code below.

Any donations over £250 will be commemorated on an honours board that will be displayed on the cricket nets facility and will be a wonderful opportunity for your son to leave his legacy at the school.

Further details of this exciting project are included in the following Letter to Parents

Students will also be playing their part in raising money for this fantastic project and are encouraged to embark on some creative fun ways to raise money themselves; please support their efforts and sign their associated sponsorship form.

Proposed Cricket Net Development CricketNets Fund QR Code
Sponsorship Opportunities 

Cricket TeamWe are offering various sponsorship levels for individuals and businesses who wish to have their name associated with the new cricket nets facility.

This is a fantastic way to showcase a lasting legacy of your support for our school and the cricket program. 

If you wish to discuss sponsorship with our Director of Finance, you are warmly invited to use the contact button below: