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PA Roles
The St. Olave's Parents’ Association is a registered Charity (No: 312601)
It runs as per the published constitution. All Olavian parents/carers are considered to be part of the PA. The PA does not have any paid employees and heavily relies on the parent volunteers to run it and is benefitted by a large number of volunteers who give their time selflessly based on their availability.
The Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are the three Trustees (elected officers). The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the charity is properly run and managed according to the guidelines set out in the PA constitution and that funds collected and distributed are in line with the charity’s object (which is to benefit the students of the School).
These Trustees are supported by their assistants and are elected every year at the AGM. Whilst these three roles are voluntary and unpaid, they require a commitment of time (10-15 hours per week) to be able to support the PA efficiently.
The PA Constitution was recommended by the Committee and adopted by the Association on 13 February 2019.
The Current PA Committee: | |
Shivanand Jadhav Tara Rao Neha Sabikhi Hai-Ying Song Rupali Ravi Kerry Garnham-Jong |
PA Chair PA Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Assistant Secretary Assistant Treasurer |
PA roles in more detail: |
PA Chair
The role of PA Chair is to:
- Ensure the PA operates in line with our Constitution
- Communicate with the Head, Senior Leadership Team PA Liaison and Governors to ensure that we understand and support the School’s aims and that the day-to-day cooperation works well
- Ensure that the PA collects and distributes its funds in line with the PA constitution
- Chair all PA meetings and track agreed actions
- Liaise with School to agree on suitable dates for PA meetings and events
- Consult with members and ensure that PA meetings make decisions on spending
- Coordinate and approves messages to our members via "In Touch" and otherwise as appropriate
- Ensure that accountability is assigned to individuals for PA events and activities
- Speak at Welcome Evenings for Years 7 and 12 every September
- Maintain our profile in Parentkind and give access to active members
- Succession planning for key roles
- Note that these descriptions are indicative, the role of PA trustee and officers is accountable to make the PA successful and as such it may entail to take on other activities as and when needed and also to share the load amongst one another and indeed in case one of the officer steps away.
The role of the PA Treasurer is to:
- Ensure that the PA operates in line with our Constitution.
- Communicate with the Head, Senior Leadership Team PA Liaison and Governors to ensure that we understand and support the School’s aims and that the day-to-day cooperation works well.
- Ensure that the PA collects and distributes its funds in line with the PA constitution.
- Oversee income and expenditure and maintain accounts.
- Manage the PA’s financial accounts at various providers (banks, PayPal account etc) and ensure that the access is appropriately managed including that the Chair and Secretary have access and are signatories to the account (as one of two).
- Pay out to the School on pledges made by the PA.
- Maintain good working relationship with the School's Finance Director.
- Collate income and expenses of various events and activities and process expenses claims following established record keeping process and reimburse them via bank transfer or cheque.
- Reconcile the income received from booking platforms where ticketed events and products are sold.
- Give updates to each PA meeting and a formal written report to the AGM.
- Prepare and submit accounts, with supporting documentation, to the Independent Examiner.
- File accounts at the Charity Commission.
- Coordinate messages to our members via "In Touch".
- Note that these descriptions are indicative, the role of PA trustee and officers is accountable to make the PA successful and as such it may entail to take on other activities as and when needed and also to share the load amongst one another and indeed in case one of the officer steps away.
Deputy Treasurer
The role of the Deputy Treasurer is to:
Work closely with the Treasurer to ensure smooth running and success of our fund raising events.
Responsibilities include:
- Checking expenses claims and submit to Treasurer for double-checking and payments.
- Providing forms and instructions for members who need to claim expenses.
- Administering the Matched Giving scheme.
- Assist the Treasurer to reconcile the income received from booking platforms where ticketed events and products are sold.
- Taking cash takings from events and deposit them in the bank.
- Providing cash floats for events such as the Fun Day.
- Regularly advertising easyfundraising via Facebook/Whatsapp groups/In Touch
- Deputizing for the Treasurer if necessary (except as Trustee)
- Liaising and working along with the PA team.
Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week
The role of the Secretary is to:
- Ensure that the PA operates in line with our Constitution
- Communicate with the Head, Senior Leadership Team PA Liaison and Governors to ensure that we understand and support the School’s aims and that the day-to-day cooperation works well
- Ensure that the PA collects and distributes its funds in line with the PA constitution
- Liaise with School to agree on suitable dates for PA meetings and events
- Schedule PA meetings and other events
- Take minutes of PA meetings
- Ensure that the schedule of forthcoming events is on the school calendar, PA website etc
- Prepare the agenda for PA meetings and notify our members via School Comms and the Form Rep network
- Post agendas and minutes of PA meetings on our website
- Ensure that PA records are kept in our safe on the School site
- Coordinate messages to our members via "InTouch"
- Note that these descriptions are indicative, the role of PA trustee and officers is accountable to make the PA successful and as such it may entail to take on other activities as and when needed and also to share the load amongst one another and indeed in case one of the officer steps away.
Assistant Secretary
As an Assistant Secretary, you will work closely with the Secretary to ensure smooth running of all our meetings and communication.
Responsibilities include:
- Taking minutes of PA meetings.
- Ensuring that the schedule of forthcoming events is on the school calendar, PA website etc.
- Preparing the agenda for PA meetings and notify our members via School Comms and the Form Rep network.
- Posting agendas and minutes of PA meetings on our website.
- Coordinating messages to our members via "InTouch".
- Deputizing for the Secretary if necessary (except as Trustee).
- Liaising and working along with the PA team.
Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week
Independent Accounts Examiner
The Independent Accounts Examiner should be a qualified accountant and needs to be formally approved by the AGM.
The role of the Independent Accounts Examiner is to:
- After the end of the financial year, review details of income and expenditure and verify incomings and outgoings on the bank account/Paypal account
- Examine and formally approve the Treasurer’s accounts
- Be available during the year to advise the Treasurer on accounting questions
- Attend the AGM to answer any questions from members
Form Reps Coordinator
The role of the Form Reps Coordinator is to:
- Maintain a group of PA Reps for every Form or at least every Year Group
- Communicate key messages to the Form Reps and ensure that they pass on messages to the wider membership (i.e. all parents)
- Hold evening meetings for Form Reps three times a year, where they can channel questions and concerns to the School
- Based on the answers received, maintain an FAQ for parents and forward these for publishing on the School website.
- Recruit Form Reps (most reps are now in place but we still need people for 9K, 9M, 9N, 10M, 10N, 11H, 11J, 11K, 11L, 11M, 12P, 12R, 12V, 12Y, 13P, 13T, 13V and 13W)
- Maintain an email/WhatsApp group of parents whose sons/daughters are in the same form
- Attend Form Rep meetings three times a year and channel parents’ questions to those meetings
- Pass on information from the School and the PA to parents
Volunteer Co-Ordinator
As a Volunteer Coordinator, you’ll play a key role in ensuring the success of our events by connecting volunteers with the needs of the PA for various events throughout the year.
Responsibilities include:
- Liaising with the PA team and event leads (Refreshments, Uniform Sale, etc.) to understand volunteer requirements.
- Recruiting and organizing volunteers for various events like Open Day, Parents' Evening, Mock Tests, Diwali, etc. ensuring we have sufficient cover.
- Maintaining a volunteer rota and communicating with volunteers to ensure they know when and where to help.
- Maintaining and responding to Volunteer inbox in a timely manner and reporting to the PA Officer team.
Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week
Refreshments and Uniform Sales Coordinator
The role of the Refreshments and Uniform Sales Coordinator is to:
- Liaise with the Membership Secretary to get updated lists of volunteers
- Liaise with the Secretary to find out which events are coming up and need volunteers
- Liaise with the School to determine which events require refreshments service
- Recruiting volunteers for each event – about 30 per year
Refreshments Lead
The role of the Refreshments lead is to:
- Lead refreshments for a particular event
- Have access to the PA cash safe (using a code)
- Inform refreshment stock organiser of any stock issues
- Train newer volunteers to help
Refreshments Stock Organiser
The role of tye Refreshments Stock Organiser is to:
- Check stock levels of drinks\snacks in the PA cupboards in School Kitchen every 2 weeks
- Liaise with the Refreshments Coordinator for school events and check with the Lead teacher what is required – re timings\intervals.
- Maintain a good relationship with the school's Catering Manager to respect that we are using space in their kitchen and keep everywhere clean and tidy.
- Buy bulk items from wholesaler, Booker – wine, soft drinks, burgers etc.
- Check offers at various supermarkets and buy confectionery as and when
- Request cups from Catering Manager as required
- If Rugby BBQs have volunteers, check stock in the Pavilion cupboards too.
- For Concerts/Shows, obtain an Events alcohol licence from Bromley Council and keep track of the number of licences awarded each year.
- Keep all receipts and claim expenses at least monthly.
Graphic Designer
The role of the Graphic Designer is to:
- Maintain PA logo and letterhead
- Produce posters and flyers for PA events, e.g. Mock Tests, Fun Day, Careers Fair etc
- Produce PA slides for welcome evenings etc
Digital Communications Co-ordinator
The role of Digital Communications is to:
- Share forthcoming events, PA letters, announcements, news and photos with the school, in order for these to be published and promoted on the PA pages of the School's website and its' associated Calendar and the School's social media channels.
- Liaise with the Secretary to keep calendar of forthcoming events up to date
- Own and maintain the PA Facebook site
- Reroute questions which come through the Facebook site to the appropriate person on the PA
Second-Hand Uniform Sales and Charity Donations (two roles)
The role of the Used Uniform Sales and Charity Donations Co-ordinator is to:
- Collect donations from School Reception (every couple of weeks)
- Sort into which items are re-saleable and price\hang up in PA shed
- Hold used uniform sales half termly – last day/Fridays of term or at Parents' Evenings (helpers are recruited by the Refreshments/Uniform coordinator)
- Sort non saleable items and take either to charity shop or donate to the Tag Rugby Trust– contact them every half term to collect donations – approx.. eight bin liners each time
- Empty Lost Property cupboard at the end of each term, returning named items to reception and pricing others for resale
Spruce-Up Day Organiser
The role of the Spruce Up Day Organiser is to:
- Discuss with the School to identify what requires sprucing up, and agree a date (usually in April)
- Forward details to the school for circulation via "In Touch" to request volunteers
- Draw up a list of tasks and allocate volunteers to each task, with timings
- Buy equipment and paint as required (keep receipts)
- Remind volunteers to bring equipment
- Liaise with Refreshments team to ensure refreshments are provided
- Organize and encourage on the day
Doughnut Sales Organiser
The role of the Doughnut Sales Organiser is to:
- Arrange with the School for a notification to be circulated via "In Touch" (this is currently once a term on a date agreed with David Budds)
- Order doughnuts from Krispy Kreme
- On the day, collect the doughnuts and deliver them to school by 10am
- (The doughnuts are sold by students)
- Check the sales amount and bank it
Full written details available from Charlotte Rutter
Quiz Night Organiser
The role of the Quiz Night Organiser is to:
- Agree date with school and quizmaster (usually a Saturday in September for y7 quiz)
- Liaise with school to cirulate details of event via "In Touch", Website and Social Media
- Set up a payment site on Ticket Tailor (written instructions available)
- Liaise with the PA Refreshments team to ensure that refreshments can be served
- Recruit two other helpers for on the night
- Buy quiz prizes and source raffle prizes (keep receipts)
- Assign teams and bring list on night
- Set up tables along with other volunteers, need table numbers and numbered envelopes for Head and Tails game (see quiz box in kitchen)
- Organise sign in desk and raffle ticket sales
The role of the Quizmaster is to:
- Create and deliver a quiz (Y7 families in Sept and possibly whole school later)
- Print and bring answer sheets
- Liaise with the School Technician about sound/lighting/laptop
- Show one of the volunteers how to do the scoring
- As a warm up on the night, run the Head and Tails game
- At end of night (before results are announced), draw the raffle.