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Home/School Communications
Guidance and contact details specifically relating to:
Safeguarding (including how to report a concern out of school hours), Pastoral Issues, Curriculum queries and reporting an Absence should be raised using the contact details available on the following pages of this website:
Safeguarding | Pastoral |
Curriculum | Attendance |
There are also a number of electronic home/school communication systems used within school, for admin purposes, that parents/carers need to be aware of.
The following information indicates who to contact for help for the most commonly used systems of non-teaching related queries.
To avoid missing important home/school communications being filtered into your spam/junk mailbox, all parents are asked to add the email accounts indicated below, to their email provider's safe sender list. GUIDANCE HERE |
IN TOUCH (letters home) |
All general letters are circulated via our email system In Touch. Please note: this is an unmonitored outgoing mailbox only - please do not reply via this mailbox. Copies of letters are also published on our website HERE
System used | School contact/query | Add address to your safe sender list |
In Touch | School Office | 3055410@sims-communications.co.uk |
Mobile communications (SIMS, Parent App) |
The SIMS Parent App is used to communicate important information regarding your child, including school reports, timetables, reminders, conduct. It also allows parents to update their emergency contact information and their child's medical details. All Parents/Carers are expected to sign up to the Parent App when invited to do so on joining the school. Help using the App is available via our website page HERE
System Used | School contact/query | Add address to your safe sender list |
SIMS Parent App | Parent App Help | noreply@sims.co.uk |
The Parent App includes email verification (to enable self password retrieval). during the sign up process. The verification email is sent from: Please check your junk/spam mailbox if you cannot see the verification email and ensure you complete this process. |
Trips/Events: (EVOLVE) |
Evolve is used to inform you about school trips and events and to enable parents to confirm permission/consent to attend and upload of travel documentation such as passports E/Ghic
System Used | School contact/query | Add address to your safe sender list |
EVOLVE | School Trips Co-ordinator | evolve.bromleyvisits@edufocus.co.uk |
cashless online payments |
The school has TWO separate online payment platforms.
iPay: is used by our caterers Accent Catering and is used to pay for School Catering only.
ParentPay: is use for all other payments including School Trips/Events/Resources.
Full details and guidance using both payment platforms is available HERE
Careers/Higher Education: UNIFROG |
Unifrog is an online platform that supports secondary schools to deliver their statutory duty to provide students with impartial and independent guidance on the full range of post-school options. All Students are given a login code which is unique to their Form group.
System Used | School contact/query | Add address to safe sender list |
UNIFROG | Careers Lead | N/A |
Sports fixtures/results (Fives/Netball/Rugby/Cricket) |
System Used | School Contact/query | Add address to safe sender list |
SOCS | http://www.saintolavessport.co.uk/ | N/A |
School Enrichment Fund |
Parents/Carers wishing to make donations to the St. Olave’s Grammar School Enrichment Fund, can do so via the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). Help using CAF is available via our website page HERE
System Used | School Contact/query | Add Address to safe sender list |
CAF | donations@saintolaves.net | N/A |
Social Media Accounts |
Twitter (@saintolaves) | https://twitter.com/saintolaves |
Instagram (saintolavesschool) | https://www.instagram.com/saintolavesschool/ |
https://uk.linkedin.com/school/st-olaves-grammar-school/ | |
https://www.facebook.com/saintolaves/ |