DSC 4520

Current PA Vacancies

PA Team is currently looking to fill up a few roles, as outlined below.

Please note:  The descriptions below are indicative and the time commitment is approximate. The roles are accountable to the PA team. The objective is to ensure smooth running of PA activities and as such, may entail taking on other activities as and when needed and also to share the load amongst one another and indeed in case one of the other team member steps away.

Taking up a role is a great way to make a big impact. It also gives you an opportunity to meet the school staff and other parents in an informal way and build long lasting relationships.

If you are interested in any of the roles outlined below, or have any questions, kindly email pa@saintolaves.net with your details by EOB, Friday, 4th Oct 2024.  If there is more than one application for the role, we will choose the best fit in terms of availability and commitment.

Thank you for considering being part of this effort! We look forward to hearing from you.

1) Volunteer Coordinator:

As a Volunteer Coordinator, you’ll play a key role in ensuring the success of our events by connecting volunteers with the needs of the PA for various events throughout the year. 

Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Liaising with the PA team and event leads (Refreshments, Uniform Sale, etc.) to understand volunteer requirements.
  2. Recruiting and organizing volunteers for various events like Open Day, Parents' Evening, Mock Tests, Diwali, etc. ensuring we have sufficient cover.
  3. Maintaining a volunteer rota and communicating with volunteers to ensure they know when and where to help.
  4. Maintaining and responding to Volunteer inbox in a timely manner and reporting to the PA Officer team.

Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week

2) Deputy Treasurer:

As a Deputy Treasurer, you will work closely with the Treasurer to ensure smooth running and success of our fund raising events.

Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Checking expenses claims and submit to Treasurer for double-checking and payments.
  2. Providing forms and instructions for members who need to claim expenses.
  3. Administering the Matched Giving scheme.
  4. Taking cash takings from events and deposit them in the bank.
  5. Providing cash floats for events such as the Fun Day.
  6. Regularly advertising easyfundraising via Facebook/Whatsapp groups/In Touch
  7. Deputizing for the Treasurer if necessary (except as Trustee)
  8. Liaising and working along with the PA team.

Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week

3) Assistant Secretary:

As an Assistant Secretary, you will work closely with the Secretary to ensure smooth running of all our meetings and communication.

Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Taking minutes of PA meetings.
  2. Ensuring that the schedule of forthcoming events is on the school calendar, PA website etc.
  3. Preparing the agenda for PA meetings and notify our members via School Comms and the Form Rep network.
  4. Posting agendas and minutes of PA meetings on our website.
  5. Coordinating messages to our members via "InTouch".
  6. Deputizing for the Secretary if necessary (except as Trustee).
  7. Liaising and working along with the PA team.

Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week

4) Digital Communications Coordinator:

As a Digital Communications Coordinator, you will be in charge of the social media and marketing of our team.

Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Sharing forthcoming events, PA letters, announcements, news and photos with the school, in order for these to be published and promoted on the PA pages of the School's website and its' associated Calendar and the School's social media channels.
  2. Owning and maintaining the PA Facebook site.
  3. Re-routing questions which come through the Facebook site to the appropriate person on the PA.
  4. Managing and promoting fundraising to the Olavian community using various channels like Facebook/WhatsApp/In Touch.
  5. Ensuring the PA website is kept up to date.
  6. Liaising and working along with the PA team.

Time Commitment : 4-5 hours per week