Happiness - Success - Community
Statement of Intent
St. Olave’s aims to promote positive mental health and wellbeing across the whole school community to include pupils, staff, parents and carers. We fully recognise the importance of wellbeing in enabling us to flourish as individuals and value it as a crucial part of our daily lives.
The government has identified the key role that wellbeing plays in the learning and achievement of students and we remain committed to continuing to develop this area as part of a whole school approach.
Our role as a school is to ensure that students are able to manage times of change and stress and are well supported to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to exploring ways to develop positive mental health and wellbeing and educating students through various channels on what influences their mental health to equip them with ways in which they can improve their overall life satisfaction.
The school has also received AcSEED accreditation. This provides confidence to current and prospective parents/students that St. Olave's is well equipped to support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our students.
Our Positive Mental Health Lead is Mrs R. Maxwell.
Supporting and promoting Wellbeing in School |
We currently have a number of initiatives in place to promote wellbeing within the student body:
- RSHE curriculum (specific content of lessons will be determined by the needs of the cohort).
- The St. Olave's School Wellbeing Practitioner Mrs Naomi Anderson is available in school, Monday - Thursday 8.30 am - 3 pm
- The Good Life Programme (a positive psychology course for Years 10, 11, 12 and 13).
- Mindfulness course for Years 10 and 12 students.
- School and year group assemblies.
- Wellbeing Week (Spring Term)
- External speakers with expertise in mental health and well-being to support students & parents.
- Heads of Year and form tutors via form time.
- School Chaplain.
- Compulsory weekly games sessions for Years 7 to 12.
- Refresher Week (homework free periods).
- Active communication with parents to help them support their children.
- Wellbeing Dog "Shelby"
- Peer mentors
Cross-Curricular Wellbeing Journals |
In addition to the initiatives above, we publish 'INSIGHT' our cross curriculum journal uniting the Olavian community through exploring the importance of wellbeing. All proceeds made from the sale of these publications are donated to MIND and are also available via the following link:
Bromley Y Wellbeing webinars |
Understanding and managing anxiety