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Exams Office

The Examinations Office deals with all aspects of external examinations.

Students sit GCSEs and GCEs using AQA, Edexcel and OCR and WJEC examination boards.  We also enter candidates for STEP Mathematics (Sixth Term Examination Paper).

We are not able to accept external candidates.

The details on the website have been divided into three sections

1. Pre exams gives details on non-exam assessment, coursework, and how to apply for exam re-takes. 

2. During the exams gives rules and information on behaviour during the exam season, exam timetables and what to do in the event of illness or other extenuating circumstances.

3. Post exams gives information on how to collect results, post results services and certificates.

Exams Policy

Our Exams Policy is available via the following page of this website:


If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact the Examinations Officer Mrs A. Dixon.