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Staff Vacancies

Happiness - Success - Community

Staff Vacancies image   2024St. Olave’s Grammar School is a forward-looking selective Church of England school where academic standards are very high, rivalling the best schools in the country; our naturally able and inquisitive pupils are a delight to teach.
The school prioritises the wellbeing, dignity and morale of its staff and pupils, actively investing in professional development as we very much feel that people make our environment.

The 2024 Ofsted Inspection judged the school to have achieved 'outstanding' against each of the five inspections areas: The quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, Leadership and management, Sixth-form provision.

Sunday Times 2024 logo top 5If you are looking for a new challenge or you are starting your career, then please do come and visit us or explore our website further.

St. Olave's is a thriving Grammar School in Bromley. The atmosphere in our School is truly unique – it is a community which is welcoming, caring and inspiring.

From The Headteacher

Being a member of staff at St. Olave’s Grammar School, allows you to access:

  • Competitive salaries and pay progression and recruitment bonus (when applicable)
  • Extensive professional development opportunities
  • Training grants for qualifications
  • A Cycle to Work scheme
  • Competitive terms and conditions of employment
  • Membership of the staff association, which includes free tea and coffee throughout the day
  • Use of School sports facilities 
  • Choir and music groups
  • Staff Wellbeing programme, including access to medical advice and counselling

We are committed to the safeguarding of children and all appointments will be subject to an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Interviews will take place as soon as possible after the closing date but suitable candidates may be interviewed before the closing date and St. Olave’s Grammar School reserves the right to withdraw the position if an early appointment is made.

When vacancies are advertised below, please apply through the TES on-line portal.

Should you be unable to access the TES on-line portal please contact Tereska Taylor - The Headmaster’s PA ttaylor@saintolaves.net Tel: 01689 820101.


The St. Olave's Grammar School Job Applicant Privacy NoticeDisabilities Confident Committed sets out what personal data we the School, hold about you and how we collect and use it during and after the recruitment process. It applies to anyone who is applying to work for us, whether as an employee, worker, contractor, consultant, volunteer, governor, apprentice (together referred to as ‘Job Applicant’ or ‘you’).

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