Lost Property

Please ensure that ALL items belonging to your son or daughter are clearly named

If a student has mislaid or lost an item, it must be reported to Reception where the details will be logged in the lost property book. Any items left around the school are collected on a regular basis and taken to Reception. All valuables will be retained in Reception, to be reclaimed.

The PA will be holding a sale of 2nd hand uniform and sports kit, and a lost property display for all students at lunchtime on Tuesday 1 April 2025 from 12.40-1.40pm in the Cloisters.

Please encourage your child to come and check if they’ve lost anything before the PA sort it to be recycled or sold.

Cash or cards accepted for second hand uniform sale. Parent help welcome 12-2pm; to volunteer please contact the PA pa_volunteers@saintolaves.net

We hold a used uniform sale in the Summer Term each year for our incoming year 7 families who will be joining us in the Autumn Term).

named ITEMS:

Named items are delivered back to the student on a daily basis, during morning lessons via the Duty Boy, or the student will be notified via the register and asked to collect it directly from Reception themselves. 

Un-Named items:

All unnamed items will be placed in the Lost Property cupboard, off the Foyer, which is open and supervised by Sixth Form Prefects on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1.20pm. It is the students' responsibility to reclaim unnamed items during these times. 

Used Uniform Sales:

The Lost Property cupboard will be cleared out by the PA Lost Property Team once a month who will then hold used uniform sales, where unnamed items can be purchased, or given to charity, as appropriate. Sales will take place at various school events or, as notified to parents via the school's email system (In Touch) and this website. 

Used Uniform Price List

Used Blazer Sales: (Summer Term Only)

Blazer saleEach Year, the PA also run a used Blazer sale, (together with rugby shirts and rugby socks) specifically for our Year 13 Leavers' who may wish to decorate and wear them at their final school assembly before commencing study leave.

Blazers (£5), rugby shirts (£5) rugby socks (£2) Ties (£3)

This year's sale for our Class of 2025 Leavers will take place on:  


Uniform Donations:

Donations of uniform no longer required can make a real difference and produce great results in raising funds to benefit our students. As you assess your child's uniform throughout the year, please remember that the Parents’ Association will take all clean and wearable items your child no longer requires and can sell them at forthcoming events.

Simply remove name labels or score out written-in names before handing donated items (in a bag marked “Uniform Donations”) into Reception.

Thank You!

Create Name Labels. Don't forget to mention School Fundraising Number: 21309 (for St. Olave's)
