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Information Evening: 2025 Entry

Sixth Form information Evening for 2025 Entry to Year 12

Thursday 7 November 2024:               5:30pm – 8:00pm 

Headteacher's talks:                            tbc

Further information will be published during the Autumn Term 2024.


There will be extremely limited parking available on site for the open evening and we expect this to be filled up very early. Please allow plenty of time to park away from the school and walk in via the Park Avenue pedestrian entrance.

There is plenty of parking in the town centre which is around a 20 minute walk away and also free parking on many side streets a little nearer to the school, but please be considerate to our neighbours by not parking obstructively or across driveways.

We strongly advise that you do not walk up Goddington Lane (which is the front entrance) as this road is very bendy and narrow with poor lighting and no pavements.Floor Map of School

Curriculum information
  • Downloadable timetable of subject talks - will be published closer to the event
  • Sixth Form Information Booklet 2025/26 - will be published closer to the event.

KS5 subject specific information is available via the following link:

Curriculum information


Our Virtual tour resources are available throughout the year via the following link, including subject presentations for the current year:

Virtual Tour