St Olaves 137


Experience - Enjoy - Excel

Music plays an important role at St. Olave's.  In addition to curriculum tuition, there are very many opportunities here for Olavians to develop musical abilities and enthusiasms which we hope they will carry with them throughout their lives.

All of our musical activities are primarily for the enjoyment of our students, which is of great important in itself.  They also offer enrichment to the personal statement for a university application.  We hope that every Olavian becomes involved in at least one form of musical activity during their time at the school.  Choose from one of the following two options to find out more about what is on offer at St. Olave’s.

From the Director of Music

Latest Congratulations to our Olavian Musicians - CLICK HERE

Adora 1 Music 2

Participating in musical activities can have short- and long-term benefits for learning, health and wellbeing.  Students who learn to play instruments or to sing develop technical ability, performing skill and musical appreciation as well as a range of important personal qualities such as confidence, improved self-esteem, perseverance and resilience. 

Those who go on to take part in collaborative music-making also improve their teamwork skills, empathy and aural perception, while making friends with other students from outside their usual classes.

There has been much research into the advantages of learning and taking part in musical activities.  If you are interested in reading more, the article found at the link below could be a good place to start:

Music Department Virtual Concerts

During 2020 & 2021, the global pandemic prevented musicians from giving live performances and audiences from attending live music events. In response, refusing to allow something to be suppressed which is so important to so many, musicians worldwide were amazingly resourceful, especially in sharing their work online from within their own homes.

Olavian musicians were keen to play their part too during that time, sharing a selection of student musical performances, with our community, via the link(s) below.

Each playlist contains 15-20 minutes of music from a small group of individuals. Enjoy!

Special thanks to the following musicians:

Concert 1: Thomas - Abhinav - Hans - Liam - Isabelle

Concert 2: Ruiqi - Wessel - Dhruv - Raphael - Sean

Concert 3: Gautam - Amogh - Kamsi - Eliyas - Hanming -Yiming 

Concert 4: Ben - Mark - Robin - Pranav - Aaron

Concert 5: Aaditya - Advaith - Rohan - Aashman - Alfie - Thomas - Ewan - Ben - Yiming - Matias - Tom - David - Boris 

Concert 6: Year 12 Band SINAD, comprising Caleb, Daksh, Griffin and Yash. Also performances from Oliver, Arvin, Gabriel, Aaron, Ishan, Alfie and Sharath