
Non-Exam Assessment (NEA), and Coursework

All candidates taking subjects with internally assessed components should read the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) notice regarding Non-Exam Assessment.  Candidates entering for a Project Qualification should read the JCQ notice regarding Coursework.

JCQ notices can be found below.


Former students wishing to enter for Summer re-takes should email for a form by 8th January. 

We are not able to accept external candidates. No GCSE re-takes are available.

Access Arrangements

Access arrangements are available to allow candidates who have special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access assessments.  Arrangements for candidates with special educational needs or disabilities need to be organised in advance through the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator.  Candidates with temporary injuries should email and be aware that they will need medical evidence.

JCQ Information to Candidates - Social Media 2024-25JCQ Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice - 2024-25JCQ Information to Candidates - Non-Exam Assessment 2024-25JCQ Information to Candidates - Coursework  2024-25

JCQ AI and Assessments - A Quick Guide for Students 2024-25