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Happiness - Success - Community

We are proud to offer a wide variety of Co-curricular Clubs and Societies at St. Olave's. 

Co-Curricular activities are available for all students to build on existing talents whilst developing new skills and interest with the vast range of opportunities, often jointly led by senior students that take place during the school week, on weekends and during school holiday periods.

Termly Clubs and Societies    Lunch time & after school sports training opportunities

As well as developing specific skills and broadening interests, our co-curricular activities boost students' ability to interact socially with one another and extend their social networks. Students' are encouraged to get involved and try something new throughout their time at St. Olave's fostering a collective pride in being part of our unique community.

Hockey   febAbove all our co-curricular programme of activities and events offer vital opportunities for our Olavians to have fun, to explore and expand their interests amongst friends and with those from other cohorts. 

Our Clubs and Societies encourage students to develop their emotional intelligence and resilience and o think collaboratively, whether on a sports' pitch, as a member of a cast or orchestra or, competing in one of our many STEM activities such as F1 in Schools or VEX Robotics.

The opportunity to participate in the plethora of Olavian Clubs and Societies allows our Olavians to cultivate their leadership and negotiation skills and gives students a confidence beyond the classroom. 

Student events, such as our annual Cultural Evening and Black History Month Show embrace the diversity and richness of our school of which we are so proud.

Co-Curricular Activities

Detailed information regarding the co-curricular activities we offer are available via the following links:

Termly Clubs and Societies

   Co-Curricular     Music

   Co-Curricular     Sport

Co-Curricular   Drama

Duke of Edinburgh Award

       World         Challenge

      Operation      Wallace

Environmental Society

House    Competitions

Student Publications

A large number of the student societies produce academic journals during the year, which are very proud to share with you here:Student Publications