St Olaves 084

Parents' Association

Happiness - Success - Community

Parents Association logo Oct 19Membership of the St. Olave's Parents' Association is open to all parents of the School (and staff employed at the school) as defined under its constitution and we hope that many of you will wish to actively support our work, participate in our events and contribute financially to PA funds.

Please look out for forthcoming PA events and functions.

Contact the PA Team



Social Media: 


Twitter x @OlaveParent 

Facebook @StOlave’sParents’Association  Instagramme @stolavespa 
St. Olave's Grammar School branded merchandise for sale!

As one of their many fundraising activities, the PA are now selling some useful branded items, including ball point pens and insulated hot drinks mugs which are not only useful, but would also make a wonderful souvenir or gift.

Items can be purchased online via the following link:

PA SHOPOnce confirmation that your order is available for collection has been received (2-3 working days), students or parents/carers can collect items from School Reception.

PA PenPA Insulated Mug

Getting Involved Forthcoming Events PA Mock Tests
PA Mock Tests FAQ Lost Property/Used Uniform Sales Donations & Matched Funding
Form Reps PA Roles Minutes & Accounts
The role of the Parents' Association 

The primary objective of the PA is to build a community amongst St. Olave’s parents/carers and to facilitate and organise a number of fundraising activities and social events throughout the year.

The PA raise vital funds to support the school in the provision of facilities and equipment (not provided by statutory funds) for the benefit of the school, that directly assists the education of Olavian students.

The PA also co-ordinate the provision of refreshments and support for a variety of School events including music concerts, school productions, Saturday morning Rugby, Parents’ Evenings.

They also hold regular used uniform sales within school.

Our key events and activities include:

Familiarisation Mock Tests Sale of Sample questions New Year 7 Welcome Event
Organising refreshments at school events Testing of Cardiac Risk in Young People (CRY) Used Uniform sales
Magic Night Movie Night Quiz Night
Christmas & Summer Raffles Weekend BBQ Supporting home Rugby Fixtures PA Summer Ball
Multi-Faith Iftar Event Multi-Faith Diwali Event School Spruce Up day
Doughnut Sales    
Successful fundraising

The PA have raised over £338,000 and invested this money directly in the education of our Olavians. Their fundraising efforts have enabled the school to procure equipment and teaching accessories to almost all faculties; e.g. Art – camera and projector; DT – laser cutting material, VEX kits; Biology, Physics, Chemistry – lab equipment e.g. faraday’s law apparatus, magnetic field sensor, oscilloscopes, infrared camera; History/Geography/Economics – books and subscriptions; Maths – laptops; Languages – dictionaries ; PE – table tennis table, rowing machines and so much more.

Please support our PA and get involved!

As they seek new and innovative ways to keep the community together and support one another and the school, to further the education of our students, the PA warmly invites parents/cares to come along to their committee meetings and to get involved.

If you are in a position to help out occasionally (one or two times a year) with refreshments at School functions, or on Saturday morning for Rugby Refreshments, please do contact them. 

You can help as little or as much as you wish - all support is warmly welcomed.

How can you get involved?

​Our PA is currently raising funds benefiting all pupils throughout the School.

The PA Committee:

Shivanand Jadhav

Tara Rao

Neha Sabikhi

Hai-Ying Song

Rupali Ravi

Kerry Garnham-Jong 

PA Chair

PA Vice Chair



Assistant Secretary

Assistant Treasurer

IMG 20240419 095908Happiness  Success  Community.