St Olaves 015

Headteacher's Welcome

St Olaves 026Happiness - Success - Community

St. Olave’s is a wonderful school where you will find staff who know their pupils well and serve their individual needs, and where there is a strong sense of pride and loyalty throughout the school. We welcome pupils of all faiths and backgrounds, championing dignity and respect for all. This brings diversity and richness, which is a real strength of the school.

There is an emphasis on nurturing young people to have the wisdom, honesty and strength of character to make the right choices and have the very highest aspirations. Our academic results speak for themselves; we are one of the country’s most successful voluntary-aided selective schools. This is testament to the talents of our staff and pupils alike.

Sunday Times 2024 logo top 5Academic, sporting, cultural and moral excellence is celebrated and encouraged, within and beyond the classroom. Our co-curricular programme is outstanding; sport, music, drama, DofE, clubs and societies are very strong. We want our pupils to participate fully in the life of the school so they become independent and creative young people who will make their mark in the world. Olavians will be encouraged not to be preoccupied by the fear of failure, but be prepared to give things a go even if there is a risk of not succeeding.

If you’re looking for a school for your son, or a Sixth Form place for your daughter, then please do come and visit us or explore this website further. The atmosphere in our School is truly unique – it is a community which is welcoming, caring and inspiring. This is enriched further by the number of Old Olavians who return to school after they leave, offering their support and guidance to our current pupils.

"I have many fond memories that will stay with me throughout my life. You have continually inspired me to strive to do my very best. I know that I can go into the real world and be confident about what I can achieve.” Sixth Form Leaver

We hope all of our pupils will be able to say this when they move on to the next stage of their lives.

Andrew Rees, Headteacher


Happiness / Success / Community

St. Olave's Grammar School