St Olaves 078   retouched

A-Level Options

A-Level Options for Current Olavians commencing Year 12 in September 2025 

Subject to numbers, staff and timetable restrictions, we offer the following main curriculum subjects at KS5:
Art & Design Biology Chemistry

Classical Civilisation

Computer Science Design & Technology
Economics English Literature French Further Mathematics Geography German
History Latin Mathematics Music Physics Religious Studies
Year 11 Students currently studying at St. Olave's Grammar School

Our  INTERNAL Year 11 Options Evening for CURRENT Olavians will be held on Thursday 30 January 2025 at 5.30 pm, in the Great Hall at St. Olave's. 

This event is for students currently studying at St. Olave's Grammar School and their parents, and not for external students. 

Please be seated in the Great Hall by 5.20 pm

Please note: this event is only for internal students already studying St. Olave's. If you are not currently studying at St. Olave's and are looking to join our Sixth Form from another school, please see our ADMISSIONS PAGE for information relating to the the next point of entry.

The aim of the Options Evening is to enable you to learn more about the Sixth Form and the A-Level courses of potential interest. There will be presentations from SLT in the Great Hall, general information on the Sixth Form as well as the options process, followed by 15-minute presentations on the different subjects available. Students will be able to attend up to five subject presentations from the range on offer.

Timetable of Subject Presentations for Current Year 11 Olavians - 2025 Entry

The Sixth Form Information Booklet 2025 regarding the Sixth Form and the admission criteria is available via the following downloadable link:

Sixth Form Information Booklet for current Year 11 Olavians - 2025 Entry

Following the Options Evening, Olavians will receive an email from the Head of Year 11 on Monday 3 February 2025 regarding application to Sixth Form with login details to submit their A-Level choices.

The deadline for Sixth Form applications from our current Year 11 Olavians is Midday on Friday 28 February 2025. Students are strongly advised not to submit their subject choices until after both the Options Evening and their individual interview with a member of staff has taken place, to allow time for reflection.

In addition to the individual KS5 subject information links at the top of this page,  individual subject presentations/videos can be accessed via:

Sixth Form Virtual event page

Year 11 students currently studying elsewhere, who are looking to apply to our Sixth Form

If you are not currently studying at St. Olave's and are looking to join our Sixth Form, next September, please see our: ADMISSIONS PAGES  for the admissions procedure and curriculum booklet pertinent to the next point of entry.