Clubs and Societies

Clubs and Societies

Happiness - Success - Community

We are immensely proud of the numerous clubs and societies that run at St. Olave’s, many of which are jointly led by senior students.

Offering over 40 co-curricular activities, there truly is something for everyone!  All who join St. Olave’s are expected and encouraged to play a full part in this rich school life.

Our Olavians have the opportunity to build on existing talents and develop new skills and interests, widening their friendship groups and fostering teamwork, resilience and a sense of community throughout the school.

Our Current programmes are available to download via the following links:

Clubs and Societies Programme - Spring Term 2025

Details of Current Student-Led Societies - 2025Lunch time & after school sports programme & training opportunities - Spring 2025

Get involved!

Cufflink2There are regular school concerts and drama productions as well as a wide range of orchestras, ensembles, bands and choirs. Individual tuition is also available on a wide range of instruments.

Co-Curricular     Music  Co-Curricular     Sport Co-Curricular   Drama

20250306 132719153 iOSThroughout the school, breaktime, lunchtime and after school activities include a plethora of subject based clubs, societies, curriculum study groups, language clubs, debating, robotics, environmental, computing, chess, music rehearsals, and numerous sporting activities.

DofEGold1Regular after school and weekend sports fixtures take place as well as the ever popular popular Duke of Edinburgh Award Schemes, World Challenge and Operation Wallacea.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards  World   Challenge   Operation      Wallace

In addition, the school’s ‘Le Chavetois Society’ regularly raises money and carries out voluntary work in the local community. We are proud to continue this tradition which has supported the community in this way, since the First World War.

Each year, as part of the extra-curricular programme, students haveF1 in Schools8 the opportunity to undertake a variety of overseas tours and expeditions. A large number of trips and visits are organised on a regular basis, including art gallery visits, geography field trips, rugby and cricket tours (both home and abroad), and modern language trips throughout Europe.

Clubs such as Chess, VEX Robotics, F1 In Schools and Target 2.0 regularly successfully complete at regional and national level.

Student Societies publications

Many of our societies produce regular journals and publications which are of an impressively high standard. These are available to view via the following link:

Student Publications and Journals

 Student led Societies  - find out more via the following links:
African Caribbean Society Game Developing Society Maths Society
Art Society Geography Society Medics Society
Aviation Society Gospel Choir MFL Society
Biology Society Hindu Society Model United Nations
Chemistry Society History Society Music Society
Christian Union Islamic Society Philosophy Society (Upper School)
Classics Society Junior Debate Society Photography Society
Computer Science Society Junior Physics Society Physics and Engineering Society
Cross Country Club Junior Politics Society Political Economy Society
Debating Society KS3 Sudoku Pride Society
Dentistry Society Law Society Quiz Society
Feminist Society Machine Learning Society Space Society
Film Society