Cashless Payment Systems

sQuid will cease to be used on Wednesday 12 March 2025

Please continue to utilise sQuid until Wednesday, 12th March after which the online payment platforms will be changing.

Online cashless payments for School Catering (via iPay) and for Trips, Events and Resources (via ParentPay) will take effect from Thursday 13 March 2025. 

Letter to Parents

With effect from Thursday 13 March 2025:

IPay impact icon

Payments for food provided by Accent Catering will be made via: iPay - Parents/Carers are provided with a Unique Registration ID and instructions to register ONE contact (with parental responsibility) per child on joining St. Olave's.

Please note: student pin numbers issued prior to the change to iPay platform REMAIN UNCHANGED. 

iPayimpact is available as an App via Google play or Apple Store or via your PC/Laptop by visiting: 

If you require help relating to your iPay catering account please use the following link:


Letter to Parents, from Accent Catering

Registration instructions for iPay from Accent Catering

ParentPay = PAYMENTS FOR TRIPS, EVENTS, and other resources:
ParentPay Icon

Payments for School Trips, Events, Resources will be made via: ParentPay

ParentPay is available via:

Letter to Parents

An indication of the most regularly occurring trips/events & indication of previous cost is available below:

Annual School Trips and Events

To check if your child is eligible for free school meals, please select the following link:

Is my child eligible for Free School Meals?

Squid Payments until Wednesday 12 March 2025

sQuid will cease to be used on Wednesday 12 March 2025, therefore the information below is valid until then:

PursesAll accounts contain TWO electronic 'purses'.

 1. CATERING PURSE: to top up payments for student catering at School,

2. TRIPS & EVENTS PURSE: to pay for school trips / competitions / textbooks / events / revision guides / contributions to charitable events / learning resources and all other payments.

Parents'/Carers' are asked to set up a sQuid account when they join the school via an email generated from

Help using sQuid:

LOGIN to the sQuid Online portal (check balance, make payments, top up catering purse, update details) 
DOWNLOAD the sQuid mobile App
HELP pages - sQuid online 


REFUNDS/TRANSFERS and other queries

Please refer to the sQuid web site for their full Terms and Conditions. 

If you experience any general difficulties with the workings of a sQuid account please contact sQuid Customer Support via: