Mathematics Outreach

Maths and Science Outreach DayMaths resources continue to evolve and it is often difficult to find or stay in touch with ideas and material that will provide stimulus or extension for a curious mathematical mind.

Below are listed a few links to web sites that parents and teachers of primary school students may find useful to support independent learning or provide extension work in class.  …curriculum-linked resources to develop mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving skills.  ...a series of tasks promoting the wider world of maths beyond school, inspiring students and giving them a chance to develop invaluable mathematical thinking skills.   …the Primary Maths Challenge is held annually and offers a fun and exciting mathematical challenge aimed at pupils in years 5 and 6. Past papers (written by the Mathematical Association) are available online and the questions are aimed to encourage problem solving and reasoning. …interactive mathematical games and resources to support KS2 teaching and learning. … from the US but a huge bank of maths resources, puzzles and games

St Olave's School has also created the following resources to stimulate pupils problem solving skills:

Puzzles to Ponder! - 1

Puzzles to Ponder! - 2

Puzzles to Ponder! - 3

Puzzles to Ponder! - 4

Puzzles to Ponder! - 5

Non-Verbal Resources

The following link highlights non-verbal reasoning resources and tips for parents:

Non-verbal reasoning resources and tips for parents