

Mr D. Richards - Acting Head of Economics

Economics is a social science that at a fundamental level studies how individuals, firms, governments, and other organisations make choices and how these choices determine the way in which resources in society are allocated. The outcomes of these choices range from the prices of goods, the setting of interest rates, through patterns of trade and countries’ economic output, to some of the biggest issues in the human world, such as climate change and economic development.

The subject is therefore extremely real-world focused, and a multidimensional and dynamic discipline that is continually evolving, making it the perfect choice for those students with intellectual curiosity, a passion for understanding the world around them, and an interest in current affairs. The department will be following the AQA course which challenges the students academically and provides a firm foundation for those wishing to continue to study the subject at university level, allowing students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of some of the key economic theories and concepts and apply them to a range of real-world contexts.

Our aim within the department is to enrich students through a variety of opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. The Political Economy Society remains one of the most popular societies at the school in which both outside speakers from the field and current students discuss topics from the social science discipline. Notable past speakers include Paul Mason (former BBC Economics Editor), Chris Giles (Economics Editor of the Financial Times) and Andrew Lilico (Director of Europe Economics). Within this, we are proud to support a Women in Economics strand, helping to achieve greater gender equality within the discipline.

As part of a wider approach to the subject, beyond the exams, students undertake an extended essay project which they submit to the Young Economist of the Year competition, and we also collaborate with outside organisations such as Discover Economics. For those with ambitions to study an Economics-related degree at university, the department runs extra sessions with practice interviews and feedback for Oxbridge candidates.


The following links provide further information:

Economics Curriculum Summaries

KS5 Year 12 Year 13

Assessment Process

Economics Assessment and Feedback Process

Wider reading suggestions for Economics Students

KS5 Economics Reading Suggestions

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