Caritas House Visit

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21 Mar 2025

Thursday 20th March, saw our second visit to Caritas House where the students met the community members.

Upon arrival they were greeted by Tinkerbell the cat, who was a great success with everyone. After an initial meet and greet where everyone introduced themselves, and said what animal they would like to be, they settled down into smaller groups to find out about each other and play some games which became very competitive with those playing "Exploding Kittens". Doughnuts and drinks were shared and an hour playing and chatting simply went by. 

We would also like to ask for your help in collecting Easter eggs for a "Bereaved Children" event they are holding next weekend. If you would like to contribute, please bring your Easter eggs (small size) to either Ms. Ward or Mrs Boyden's offices by Friday 28th March.

Many thanks to Mr. Carroll, Ms Foster, Mrs Barradell, Ms Ward who accompanied Mrs. Boyden and especially the students, who were amazing in every way.