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Bank of England trip
8 Y12 and Y13 Economists were lucky enough to visit the Bank of England for an afternoon this week. Old Olavian Peter English, who works in cyber security and resilience at the Bank, hosted us for lunch, a tour of the main building, and then gave us a presentation on the workings of the Bank.
We then finished off in the museum, including the famous opportunity to lift a gold bar (worth something north of £800,000. It was coincidentally the final interest rate decision day of the year, and so there was a bit of media presence expected, and lo and behold as we arrived the BBC’s Faisal Islam was doing a live piece to camera on BBC news; the selfie opportunity was not to be missed for Pirana (Y13) and Neha (Y12).
The students all enjoyed the day out and the chance to experience the atmosphere of the City.